Cumin in the valley
In the spice fields and kitchen making hot kammoun with Abu Shujaa and Um Shujaa
Apples in the mountains
Harvesting fruit with Hussein Naaman and his children in the mountain town of Fnaidek
Aubergine in the Bekaa
Preparing makdous, the popular aubergine mouneh, with three generations in Qab Elias
Citrus on the coast
Picking oranges – the world's most grown citrus fruit – with Karim el Hassan in his seaside grove in Kadmous
Wild plants in the Chouf
Foraging on the mountain slopes of Kfar Qatra along with Mayssoun Nasreddine
Wheat in Akkar
Making freekeh, young wheat roasted on open fires, with Alya Hazim in the northern town of Hrar